Monday, August 07, 2006

At last! Gorilla Man and Human Robot return...

If you enjoyed last week's Agents of Atlas #1 half as much as I did, be sure to check out Bam!Kapow! today for an interview with its writer, Jeff Parker. We discuss AoA as well as Parker's Marvel Adventures Avengers, the all-ages Avengers book with the A-List line-up to die for. Here's a sample, including my two most juvenile questions:

We haven't seen much of Marvel Boy at this point, but he's gotta be pushing seventy by now, right? Is he going to go by Marvel Man when we do meet him?

He's only a little older, and that will be covered in issue #3.

Is it immature of me to laugh at Marvel Boy for being from Uranus?

You're no different than Gorilla Man, who snickers every time it comes up! Bob Grayson eventually has to say "the Seventh Planet" just to avoid that.

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