Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Night Fights: It's okay to punch like a girl... long as you have the strength of Hippolyta.

For more punching, kicking, stabbing and awkwardly phrased battlecries, you know where to go.

(Badly scanned image from Showcase Presents: Shazam! Vol. 1, published by DC Comics. It originally appeared in short story "Secret of the Smiling Swordsman" from 1975's Shazam! #19. Art by Bob Osker; script by E. Nelson Bridwell)


  1. I'm such a sucker for scenes in which the hero (male or female) smile and diss the baddy by saying how their hardest hits are just little lovetaps.


  2. You take pleasure in a stronger combatant belittling a weaker one? Why you big bully...oh. Oh yeah.
