Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thirty great sound effects from Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu Vol. 1: The Hellfire Apocalypse

Tak, Chup, Unch, Bkush, Tuft, Hump, Skukt, Hwukk, Shupt, Peesh, Swuft, Fwuft, Chud, Shudutf, Kump, Throkk, Hwunkk, Chudt, Kukt, Fwokt, Splam, Bakt, Fwakt, Tupt, Bampsh, Skokk, Swokt, Sapt, Frakk and, of course, Kunch

1 comment:

  1. I bow to your awesome cataloging ability, Caleb.

    As my blog was named from an MOKF line, allow me to respond with the sound effects from Doug Moench's first issue on the first series, #21 (wherein Shang Chi fights a shark!):
    Blam, Blam, Splash, Blam, Blam, Ch--Blam, Spunt, Krak, Blam, Spak, Blam, Chud, Wump, Splud, Shrip, Fup, Wud, Sklud, WhuffKrud, Wak, Tump.
