Monday, January 07, 2008

Is it just me, or does this DC house ad

for...whatever this is advertising (the Green Lantern books, I imagine) look exactly like a motivational poster?

That has to be on purpose, right?


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    It's definitely on purpose.

    I think aping motivational posters is clever.

    However, I think this particular poster completely misses the mark. It's a cool image, but what does collecting rainbow rings have to do with domination?

  2. i think it is cute.

  3. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Since when did yellow power rings start sporting a lantern logo?

    Consistency, people!

  4. I think it fits domination. If he has each of those rings, it implies that he beat one each of the ring bearers and took their rings.

  5. Wasn't Sinestro's original yellow ring a yellow version of the green one? So Mongul whupped up on Sinestro? Say it ain't so, Joe! Say it ain't so!

  6. Upon further review it seems that it's just laziness on DC's part. Ixnay my prior omment-cay.

  7. Anonymous2:37 PM

    "I think it fits domination. If he has each of those rings, it implies that he beat one each of the ring bearers and took their rings."

    Or maybe he just beat each Corps' G'nort.

  8. Well, you know that Mongul would still try to sell that as proof of his domination. :)
