Thursday, October 16, 2008

Green Lantern:

And since it will probably come up, these are my best guesses:


  1. if by probably come up you mean DEFINITELY come up...

    Also, Alan Scott, how can you rule SO HARD?

  2. Didn't they retcon John Stewart as a former marine like in the JL cartoons ?

  3. Anonymous9:32 PM

    That is great.

  4. Marine's can be Democrats. My brother was in the Corp and he registers as a Democrat...

    Also Guy was a Reagan Republican, so he'd probably spend the election drinking heavily at Warriors...

  5. And people wonder why the Green Lanterns don't always get along with each other. ;-)

  6. Oh Hal. So, so perfect.

    My only quibble is Kyle. Not that he wouldn't vote Liberal, but I'm just assumming that he would have forgotten to actually REGISTER. He meant to, but got distracted.

  7. Back when Jeph Loeb had that Superman issue where he asks the the various JLA members about their voting preferences (in regard to Luthor's candidacy), Kyle said he always votes, just because he believes in the system and acting by example.

  8. Kyle seems like the kinda guy who'll volunteer on a campaign because there's this girl with glasses working the phones he wants to impress.

    But when he actually talks to her and she asks him why he supports the candidate, he's like, "Oh, I like that he's got... better, um, policies."

  9. Nah, Kyle is a liberal Democrat, definitely. :-)

    Behaviorally, Hal and John are actually more likely to be moderates, with John leaning liberal and Hal leaning conservative.

    Guy is DEFINITELY a conservative Republican.

  10. There was an issue of the Peter David Aquaman (a later one) where Alan Scott and Jay Garrick both appeared and for some reason talked politics, and if I remember correctly, Alan was a conservative who hated Aquaman for his hair and beard. I might have confused the two, though.

  11. As a rags-to-riches '40s business magnate with a good relationship with his openly gay son, I would think Alan would be a liberal Republican like Normal Rockefeller or Gerald Ford. Jay Garrick, college-student-turned-scientist from America's blue-collar capitol, would be the FDR Democrat IMO.

    I'm pretty much with you on all the others, though.

  12. Looks about right.
