Friday, October 24, 2008

Namor, The Sub-Mariner:


  1. Funny; finally someone whose opinions I can really get behind & he's a monarchist. GREAT.

  2. I find the phrase "she-president" hilarious.

  3. Oh Namor. Always looking for an excuse to invade the Surface World. And really, who can blame him?

    That's where the Hostess Fruit Cakes are.

    Oh, and I love the floating tie. Nice touch.

  4. In the spirit of your critiques of the art of Tony Daniel and the like:

    What terrible panel-to-panel continuity! The "hat band" and press pass disappear in the third panel, but then show up again later! Did it float off, only for Caleb to reattach it off-panel? I can't believe Every Day is Like Wednesday wouldn't put a better artist on such a high-profile project. I won't spend any more money on this comic. Oh wait...

    Nah, just kiddin'. I love these, and the little details you throw in are hilarious. Keep it up, Caleb!

  5. I find it amusing that Namor apparently has CNN.

  6. Matthew,

    Wow, I totally didn't notice that one! The two close-ups on Caleb near the end, where his eye's drift down, I totally forgot to draw the man-purse shoulder strap in those, and caught THAT. I drew the strap in and was going to come back and color pencil it black when the ink dried, and then I forgot. So there's two panels of a mis-colored strap as well.

    I totally need an editor.
