Monday, February 09, 2009

Just how evil is Darkseid?

Well, he'll neither wear pants nor will he cross his legs; you'll just have to deal with it.


  1. Is that the abyss where Darkseid's fall was dragging the Earth down to during Final Crisis?

    Or maybe it's just really hot in Apokolips and that's a form of ventilation for him.

  2. The hilarity of the epitome of evil in the DCU dressed in a skirt never gets old.

  3. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's going to eat that whole pig's head by himself.

  4. I just can't buy the idea that this guy is evil personified.

  5. Sharon Stone as Darkseid. Where's the movie?

    Just chiming in with a joke and to say I just awarded you a Premios Dardo award. I was tagged and am tagging you back. Participate or don't, but EDILW is one of the blogs I visit without fail every day and I'm always entertained by it. Thanks for writing those things you write.

  6. Just chiming in with a joke and to say I just awarded you a Premios Dardo award.

    Thanks dude; and thanks for the kind words.

  7. Darkseid also wears thigh-high boots, don't forget. I'm waiting for a version with clear heels.
