Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh no!!! Change!!!!!!!

Don't worry, EDILW isn't going anywhere, but the person who writes it is...has, actually. I just moved from Columbus, Ohio to a new HQ in a small Ohio town, and I'm not entirely sure how it will effect the blog at the moment.

This town doesn't have a comic shop of its own, and the nearest one is 45 minutes away, so the regular "Weekly Haul" feature, in which I reviewed the new Wednesday releases right after I read them, may be going away, or going biweekly or...I don't know just yet. (Maybe I'll be switching to trades permanent like, now? Or are there services that deliver single issues to you through the mail on the day of release? If so, lemme know if you know of any!)

Additionally, I no longer have the Columbus Metropolitan Library system, which buys pretty much every graphic novel, to borrow from, so access to comics I'm curious about but not enough to pay for may be fewer and farther between. And I've still gotta figure out the scanner situation, as I never had my own, but used the one at the library I used to work at.

Also, I don't an Internet connection at my new house yet, so it may be a few days before I'm blogging at 100% strength. In the mean time, I'll definitely try to keep updating once a day, so long as I can find the Internet, but Blog@ will take priority over EDILW, so you can see me there.

Hopefully by this time next week, everything will be back to normal, with the possible exception of "Weekly Haul" no longer being weekly. Thanks for your patience during this transition and thanks, as always, for reading.

So anyway, this is just a post letting you know that EDILW may suck a little bit for a little while.


  1. say it ain't so! well i hope everything works out for the best!

  2. Take your time getting settled, Caleb! We'll be here when you get back!

  3. You'll just have to open a comic shop in that small town, then!

    Comics shops make a lot of money, right?

  4. Change is good, but I hope you keep up the Weekly Haul in some form or another. It's always the first place I go to for new reviews every week.

  5. Check out they do deliver weekly, every two weeks, or every month (although they charge extra for the extra shipments)

  6. Damn you Ohio! DAMN YOU!

  7. I'll second the DCBS recommendation if you want to go mail order, but there are a couple of caveats.

    First, they only do preorders. So, they are currently accepting orders for books solicited in April. Next month, they'll be taking orders for May's solicitations. The good thing is that you generally get 40% off but it can less, or more, sometimes.

    As for the shipping, comics are shipped out on Wednesdays and it usually takes less than a week to get them, depending on where you live. Shipping costs $6 for monthly shipping, $12 for biweekly and $18 for weekly.

  8. I just started reading your blog a few months back and have moved this to the second comics related site I read after The Beat. You're a good writer and have good taste. Looking forward to your return!

  9. I h8 and ph34r change. Good luck with the move!

  10. Caleb, not sure if you've got one nearby but Half Price Books might be a good place to get some Trades for pretty cheap.

    I stopped at one last night, and they a hodge podge of comics, from Ultimate Marvel books to Essentials to random Nightwing trades. And they had a bin of singles as well.
