Thursday, April 29, 2010

Isn't "Being Jonah Hex" super-power enough?

Oh hey, look what based-on-a-comic book movie finally got around to releasing a trailer. I take back everything I said concerning reservations about the make-up (as recently as yesterday!); he looks pretty damn Jonah Hex-y to me. Well, his left eye could be a bit more bulging for my tastes—it varies from artist to artist, but I like when it's frozen wide-open—but not bad otherwise.

All the crazy gun business seems more Desperado than Jonah Hex, but I'm not going to say no to horse-mounted gattling guns and dynamite-lighting-then-launching crossbows.

The bit about supernatural powers is rather troubling though. Hopefully that was just played up for the sake of the trailer, in the hopes of selling Hex as a superhero of the Old West instead of simply a disfigured Clint Eastwood-like killing machine of the Old West.

I do hope it's good, though.


  1. My favorite Jonah Hex story is "Two Gun Mojo" so I'm all for supernatural stuff being involved...

  2. Is there any appeal to Meagan Fox beyond...well, beyond the obvious?

  3. According to Brolin:

    "Then the eye thing, that was - I wasn't going to bring that up. Jonah Hex is a comic book, it's drawn. In reality if Jonah Hex had an eye like that, it would be a little raisin somewhere back in his brain, you know what I mean? We thought about [making a computer-generated eye], but we didn't have the money to CG and all that stuff, and we really didn't want to.

    I tried is, I pulled it down, and within an hour my eye started to get infected, before I realized I'm not that committed of an actor...that I was willing to lose [an eye]... actually, I fought for it, for a little while.'"

  4. But the thing about the absolutely brilliant Joe Landsdale HEX minis is that Hex himself was just a normal guy who always somehow got stuck in the middle of the him a new origin and superpowers sort of kills the does giving him his own 'Q'...

    Am I the only one who suspects the producers REALLY wanted to do the Jeff Marriotte/John Cassiday series DESPERADOES but felt that more people would recognize the Jonah Hex name? I mean, swap out Hex for Gideon and ...*shudder*...Megan 'I Will Take Your Money And Force My Lack Of Any Worthwhile Quality Down Your Throat!' Fox for Abby and this story could still be told...
