Friday, October 01, 2010

A comic book you can buy: My Pet Halfling by J. Caleb "The Person Who Writes This Blog" Mozzocco

One rainy afternoon...
...three roommates decide to get a pet......and make a rather unusual choice...Unfortunately, their new little companion attracts some pretty serious pests...
...which cause some pretty serious problems for the new pet-owners.
A bunch of running around, fightingand mild hilarity—or attempts at it, anyway—ensue.

My Pet Halfing is twenty-five, six-and-a-half-inch-by-ten-and-a-quarter-inch, black-and-white story pages written, illustrated and lettered by everyone's seventh-favorite comics blogger, J. Caleb Mozzocco (Hey, that's me!).To order a copy of your very own, send $3 to J. Caleb Mozzocco, 7950 Mentor Avenue B102, Mentor, Ohio 44060 (Checks, money orders, or three one dollar bills tucked into an envelope discretely are probably fine; sorry, no PayPal or any other crazy technological money exchanging, as I am old and dumb).

I've only printed 145 copies—which makes it an ultra-rare collectible, perhaps...?—since, honestly, it's not all that great (It was written about eight years ago, and the drawing started not long after that, so, quality-wise, it's the work of an even less skilled Caleb than the Caleb whose occasional short comics you may be familiar with) and I won't be sending out review copies to my peers, so order yours ASAP. (If you want; no pressure!)

My Pet Halfling—There are certainly worse comics you could buy.


Hey, if you have any questions about the comic, please feel free to leave 'em in the comments or shoot me an email—my addy is in the upper right corner there—as I may put together an FAQ or something at some point.

Quick programming note: I'm not going to update EDILW this weekend in order to just leave this sales pitch hanging at the top of the blog for a few days, so don't be alarmed if there aren't any updates until Monday-ish. I might double-post on Monday and Tuesday to make up for lack of posting this weekend..


  1. What if I send you Canadian money? How much to ship to Canada?

  2. Any chance some will be at the Ogre? I mean if they'll carry my book...

  3. What if I send you Canadian money?

    Don't send Canadian money! Um...hmmm. Rats! I didn't think of other countries, since, as an American, I never think of other countries.


    I'll have to check with the post office to see if it's a dramatic price difference in terms of shipping...Would you mind emailing me at at some point in the near future, and I'll get back to you via email?

    Yeah, let's say that: Folks outside of these United States, feel free to email me and say "Yo, I live (here). Can I buy your comic book? How much monies do you want?" and I can get back to you like that. Is that okay...?

    Any chance some will be at the Ogre? I mean if they'll carry my book...

    Nah. I thought about it at several points in the past, but I've since moved out of Columbus, and I made so few copies it no longer seems worth messing around with any sort of distribution through shops.

    They are pretty cool about selling local minicomics and such like though...I thoroughly endorse the Laughing Ogre as a fine place to buy comic books in the Columbus area.


    Speaking of things in Columbus and things I endorse...

    Thanks, Dara!

  4. Caleb, I just realized your first name isn't Caleb. What is it?
