Monday, July 11, 2011

Converse ads offer another look at new DC costumes

If you've read any DC comics from the last few weeks, you've probably seen some version of the above ad, for Converse shoes designed and branded with DC superheroes. The above one features the Flash, and I've seen ones featuring Superman, Batman and Catwoman as well. The structure of each ad is the same, with each panel featuring different versions of the characters from different eras.

Most of the ads are pretty cool, and I kind of wish there was a byline or signature involved, so I could see who drew them. Many of the individual panels ape the work of particular artists pretty effectively. Note, for example, the Mike Wieringo-style '90s era Wally West Flash above.

Anyway, a couple of them feature the upcoming, post-relaunch versions of the characters, giving us another look at some of the costumes. On the far left of The Flash one, for example, you can see the new Jim Lee and company Flash costume, and compare and contrast it with the original Jay Garrick look, the aforementioned Wally West costume and a few looks at Barry Allen's classic Silver Age costume.

I suppose the new Flash costume might eventually grow on me, but so far...

Well, I don't like the looks of that chin strap... Or those crazy boots, with their ornate details and strange, uncomfortable-looking soles...
Here's the Superman ad, which features several different versions of Superman, including his first-appearance appearance, the mulleted, post-Reign of the Supermen look and an Ed McGuinness-style Superman: In the lower left-hand corner is the new Superman costume. Is it of note or of interest that it's not depicted as the "prime" costume, in the same way that the new Flash costume is shown in the Flash ad?

Like I said, these hideous redesigns may eventually grow on me, but I don't know; it's hard to imagine to imagine ever preferring this—to the Superman costume that I see when I close my eyes and imagine Superman.


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    The Flash redesign is not all that bad, but the Superman redesign just stinks. I love your line, about the superman you see when you close your eyes. DC is messing with their brand, which may be a huge mistake.

  2. I have no input on the Flash re-design since I do not read that title. On the other hand, the Superman look is cool; I especially like the collar that was added. What I think hinders the new look is the style of the drawing / artist which I find to be too choppy and sketchy.

  3. No comment on the Flash but why does the invulnerable "Man of Steel" need to look like he is wearing armor plate.?

  4. Anonymous8:49 AM

    That Superman collar may not look so cool when you notice all the other characters who now have the same thing- Aquaman and GL, just to start. This suit will never stick while Warners is still merchandizing the hell out of the classic suit.

  5. I like the ads i sit there and try to figure out which artist and era each comes from.

  6. "Hmm... these costumes seem too bland... I know! Lets put on pointless TRON lines! Brilliant!"

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM

    theres joker converse hi tops, i have those ones. they rock!

    the laces are neon green and have "ha ha" written across them. its pretty sweet.

  8. WORST Superman costume ever.

  9. The new designs are just so...fussy. Unnecessarily so. Adding shoulder pads and nehru collars and arbitrary lines all over the a lot of busy work for the poor artist.

  10. In regards to the Superman one: It seems even DC is ashamed of that new look for Supes :P
