Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Meanwhile, at Robot 6...

I'm diversifying from writing reviews of comic books to writing about books that are about comics, today reviewing Marc DiPaolo's textbook War, Politics and Superheroes: Ethics and Propaganda in Comics and Film, which is a pretty fascinating read if you're interested in superheroes and/or politics (Check your local library, and if they don't have it, ask 'em to order it for you).

If you have a very, very good memory, you may recall that I had previously mentioned it on EDILW, discussing DiPaolo's reading of Wonder Woman's costume in a post a post about DC's recent attempts to re-package Wonder Woman as someone who wears pants. plan to post about another reading of DC's Wonder Woman character in the near future.

In the mean time, go check out my review on Robot 6, and feel free to discuss important issues like whether or not Kyle Rayner is a metrosexual or whether the Watchmen movie was a masterpiece in the comments section here or there.

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