Saturday, February 04, 2012


In this week's (belated) contribution to Robot 6, I reviewed every original graphic novel from January I read that I hadn't previously reviewed elsewhere: Dark Crystal: Creation Myths Vol. 1, The Return of the Smurfette, Spera Vol. 1, Wolverine and Jubilee: Curse of the Mutants and X-Men: Great Power (The above image is Luke Pearson's character designs for the main characters of Spera; he's one of the artists who contributes one of the extremely charming short stories in the back of the collection).

I didn't do a "Comic shop comics" column this week on EDILW, because there were zero (0) comic books I wanted to buy in their serial comic book form on the new racks this week. (I was curious about Image's Alpha Girl #1, but my shop had it bagged, and I would have preferred flipping through it before purchase, so it stayed on the rack). The only thing I took home from the shop was Batman: Gates of Gotham, so I just reviewed it more thoroughly in a review-review, instead of the babble-briefly-about-what-I-just-finished-reading format of the "Comic shop comics" column format. If you missed it, it's here. (DC's decision to reboot their continuity, and Batgirl continuity so completely, seemed even lamer to me after reading this, as Snyder seemed to handle the complicated pre-Flashpoint status quo of the franchise elegantly enough).

And finally, here's a link to this week's "Week in Review" post at ComicsAlliance. If you follow but one of the links linked-to in that link post, make it the one leading to a mini-gallery of Corey S. Lewis imagery. That it some great, great stuff.

Wait, here, look: Although, I have to admit Sims and Fong's discussion of the fashion of G.I. Joe characters is pretty swell too. I wouldn't mind a sequel to that post, if only to see what they have to say about Lady Jaye and Zarana. And Serpentor and Dr. Mindbender. God, I love Dr. Mindbender's design! How many mad scientists are that totally ripped, and flaunt it by never, ever wearing a shirt?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing the Dark Crystal book. I'm not surprised that it's dull. Like you mentioned, the movie itself doesn't have a lot going for it other than the puppetry.

    I've bought every single Henson-related comic book released over the past few years (the Muppet stuff from Boom and the Fraggle/Fantasy/"Tale of Sand" stuff from Archaia), and this is the first one I've passed on. I keep thinking I should maybe pick it up for completist reasons, but your review reminds me that I'll probably just regret it.

