Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One thing I've learned about comics and the Internet this week

After reading three (three!) posts on David Brothers' blog where Marvel editor Stephen Wacker showed up in the comments to fight it out with Brothers and seemingly all of Brothers' commenters (Post #1, #2 and #3, if you missed 'em), and a post on Brian Hibbs' Savage Critic site responding to some of the concerns in Brothers' original post about the consequences of Marvel's double-shipping certain titles in certain months that Wacker also showed up in the comments thread of, I'm wondering if maybe Wacker isn't the Marvel editor equivalent of that "Bloody Mary" urban legend.

You know, like if you mention him on a comics blog, he suddenly appears in the comments thread. I'm going to test it out.

Okay, ready?

Stephen Wacker...

Stephen Wacker...

Stephen Wacker...


Update: Well, nothing so far. Maybe I was wrong. I'm going to take my laptop into the bathroom, close the door, turn off the light and try reciting his name into the mirror while typing it into this post now. Just a sec.

Okay, I'm all set.

Stephen Wacker...

Stephen Wacker...

Stephen Wacker...


Huh. Well, I guess I was wrong aboueiopjfdklMVC ,

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  1. You were playing with fire, Caleb.

  2. Be careful what you wish for, man. Be careful.
