Sunday, November 04, 2012

Super-Endorsements 2012:



  2. So, he's going to write in Ron Paul?

  3. This has got to be the best of the super-endorsements you've done yet. Just awesome.

  4. All right! Calendar Man!

    He doesn't rate his own tag, though?

  5. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Thank you for picking up on Romney's headfake segue into marriage-as-deterrent-to-poverty-and-violent-crime. I listened to all the debates on radio instead of television and was aghast at his comments... comments which I think the majority of the mainstream media gave a pass as potentially inflammatory, given the demographics in this country. No-one I know who watched 'em on TV seemed to have picked up on his stroll into wonk territory.

    Obama's response seemed more progressive & pragmatic than previous-- 'No one needs military hardware; that said, in my hometown of Chi they're just using 9mms' --but statements alone do not policy make.

    And yeah, this is just about the best one yet, mate. Great commentary AND fluid action!

  6. Superb, Caleb. Superb.

  7. This was awesome. Seriously. Thank you.

  8. So, Batman as a write-in candidate?

  9. Thanks for all the kind words, all!

    All right! Calendar Man!

    He doesn't rate his own tag, though?

    I guess not. I typed his name in to see if a tag came up, but it never did. Which I thought strange, as I'm sure I've drawn him plenty of times before...his is one of my favorite costumes. I know he appeared in the post-Dark Knight villain strip I did...

    ...maybe the other times I drew him were for those lead-in cartoons I used to do for the "Twas the Night Before Wednesday" column I had at Blog@....

    Anyway, I guess it means that while I love Calendar Man and love drawing him, I never actually wrote a post about him before. Huh.

    So, Batman as a write-in candidate?

    David Campbell answered the question of Batman's voting habits succinctly and hilariously in a 2006 post, which most of you have probably already read:

    I love the Batman entry, and all of 'em in fact, because they all seem 100% correct (or, if only 80% correct, than effectively argued so that a compelling case is put forward for each) AND funny.

  10. I just re-read Mr. Campbell's post for like the 40th time. The Ghost Rider one cracks me up every time.

  11. You rock, Caleb.

    Love all the Mindless Ones

  12. Oh my gosh, that is amazing. So. Epic. :D

  13. @ticknart
    Batman is in favor of gun control and universal healthcare, both of those are things Ron Paul violently opposes.
