Saturday, December 22, 2012

Meanwhile, at Comics Reporter...

Tom Spurgeon invited me to be an interview subject in his always excellent series of holiday interviews. The subject at hand is the year in mainstream/direct market/superhero/genre comics. You can read it here.

And, if for some reason you're not already visiting daily, you might want to make a special effort to do so between now and early January-ish, as these are pretty much always informative as well as a blast to read.

I apologize in advance for how long and drawn-out most of my answers are. If you read this blog, you know how long I can go on about some this stuff without any sort of prompt, so you can imagine how much I talk when someone actually asks for my opinion.


  1. Good interview! Congratulations!

  2. That was cool! Also, as long as all Heaven and hell.

  3. I don't think I've ever commented here before, but I love this blog and TCR, so your interview was a fun read. I wanted to take the time to say I really enjoy reading your stuff. I noticed you said most of your feedback is negative and I felt bad about that. So, yeah, I wanted to say something positive.
