Saturday, March 23, 2013


The six-page house ad for Andy Diggle and Tony S. Daniel's upcoming "era" of Action Comics that ran in many of DC's books this week is three-tenths the length of Diggle's one-issue run on the book, and one-tenth the length of Daniel's three-issue run on it.


  1. Think your math is a little off there. It can't be 3/10 for both.

    Assuming three 20 page issues, this would be 1/10th the size of Daniel's eventual output. At least artwise--by Diggle bailing out, he's left Daniel with picking up the slack. Mind you, Daniel has said he's going off Diggle's plots. Still, the time that he was probably going to spend on pencils for his next big project are now going to be spent scripting the last couple issues.

    Unless, of course, Diggle left not because of editorial changing his story, but because they wanted Daniel to rewrite/finish it.

  2. I actually did the math right—too my great surprise, I still remembered how to reduce fractions!—but I didn't transfer it correctly to the post, and now look like an idiot, having attempted to make fun of the publisher while screwing up something as basic as typing a single paragraph.

    Thanks for pointing it out so I could fix it though.

  3. You said it would be a fun fact, you lied! This is just a horribly depressing one...
