Thursday, September 05, 2013

Meanwhile, at Robot 6...

Today at Robot 6, I have reviews of a quartet of August releases: An awesome new collection of Brian Ralph's awesome Reggie-12 comics (from which the above image is taken), the surprisingly good Talon Vol. 1: Scourge of The Owls (Why can't DC just let Guillem March draw all their Batman books all the time?!) and the first volumes of two new (to the U.S.) manga series, Happy Marriage?! and Magi.

If Talon isn't enough DC superheroics for you, then might I suggest Tom Bondurant's assessment of the first issue of Forever Evil, also at Robot 6...? Or say, did you read Tom Spurgeon's review of the last chapter of "Trinity War," and the story arc in general? That was a great read, because Spurgeon's not really a regular, super-engaged reader of DC Comics and can look at the company's products and assess them as comics, without ever getting bogged down in the sorts of stuff that guys like, say, me, or Bondurant might.

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