Wednesday, March 26, 2014

That's weird.

I guess the people who make that Agents of SHIELD TV show have never actually seen the character Deathlok before? I know he's no Spider-Man, but even if they've never, like, read any of the many comics in which the character has appeared before, they can still, like, Google "Deathlok," can't they?


  1. Yeah I thought it was weird too. Looks less like "Deathlok" and more like "Dude with random leftover Iron Man pieces glued to him".

  2. Reminds me of a smallville costume.

  3. Anonymous7:42 PM

    He's in development. The series to date has had him becoming progressively more 'borg, so I'm being patient with the look of the character. I mean, this is the "realistic" Marvel Cinematic Universe where Clint Barton's a black leatherclad gov't assassin. Let's be honest, the fashion sense will likely always be problematic.

    They back-doored this Deathlok into the series mythology fairly well, in my opinion: I didn't realize what they were doing until he woke up with an artificial eye, then I began to get excited.

  4. So is Deathlok a console game or a stand-up arcade unit? Looks like he could go either way.

  5. Nice chestplate; did Deathlok join the Masters of the Universe?

  6. Doesn't really say half-zombie/half-robot to me, and I would have never guessed it was supposed to be Deathlok, if it didn't say "Deathlok" right there in the ad.

    I guess it IS television though, and TV superhero costumes can leave a lot to be desired. Like, isn't Deadshot on ARROW just, like, a guy with an eye-patch...?

  7. Did you see the episode? They showed the character via some sort of scanner and it was like looking at the early 90's version.
