Wednesday, April 01, 2015

One strange side effect of Superman's new power.

Not only does Superman's new solar flare power, in which he releases all of the solar energy stored in his cells at once in a big explosion, shred his costume, it also apparently burns off all his chest hair. And his nipples!

I did not know that until I read this week's Batman/Superman Annual #2.

I would tell you who drew the above panels, because it seems only fair to credit the artist when posting images of their work, but there are five pencil artists, five inkers and four colorists on this issue, and it doesn't say who did what. I'm going to go ahead and guess Tom Derenick penciled those images though, and that Viente Cifuentes inked them. I could be wrong though. They could have been pencilled by Tyler Kirkham, Ian Churchill, Ardian Syaf or Emanuela Lupacchino. But I would bet, let's see, I would bet one copy of Batman/Superman Annual #2 that it was Derenick.


  1. Strangely, his pants seem to have made it through the explosion intact!

  2. Wait, isn't his costume now some kind of indestructible/shapeshifting Kryptonian armor now? How did it shred? How will he repair it? Is this why he is moving to wearing a t-shirt and jeans? ;-)

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    That must rilly, like, Byrne...

  4. Tyler Kirkham, right?

  5. Why would Superman have nipples? He's not human.
