Saturday, February 03, 2007

Dear DC,

This is not a fucking comic book.



rachelle said...

Ha! What the hell is this thing?! I thought it couldn't get any worse than Arkham Asylum!

Anonymous said...


While I do appreciate that calling that a comic book is a bit misleading, I trust Grant Morrison and it might be more entertaining than you'd think.

Experimentations prevents stagnation.

Give it a whirl, decide afterwards eh?

Anonymous said...

I loved Arkham Asylum - And seriously, like michael said - I'm down for anything different, especially something written by Grant.

Caleb said...

Oh, I'm definitely planning on giving it a whirl, but I generally hate the hell out of prose in a comic book, based on past stories like that (I didn't even care for Alan Moore's prose back-ups in LOEG...and if Alan Moore can't make it work, who can?).

I'm not sure if all 22 pages are going to be this illustrated prose, but if so, it seems like this would be better off published somewhere other than where a comic book story is supposed to appear. It's a weird bait and switch.