Okay, so this weekend's big comic book superhero movie— How was it?
Click on over to DoneWaiting.com for my review.
I'll say this much here: It's much better than the last Tim Story-directed Fantastic Four (mostly on account of the Silver Surfer's awesomeness), it's not quite as good a story as the Roger Corman-produced and unreleased Fantastic Four (which managed to get all of the characters better, particularly Dr. Doom, even if the cast was lame and the special effects even worse), and it's nowhere near as good as The Incredibles which, oddly enough, remains the best Fantastic Four movie ever made.
And Galactus? Well, he looked awesome, anyway.
What did you guys think?
Wow, I didn't see the first FF movie, so I had nothing to compare this one to. But it made me want to tear out my hair, rip up my scalp, shred my skull and then fling chunks of my brain at the screen.
Wow, that's much more colorful than "Two thumbs down."
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