Sunday, August 10, 2008

Do they come in men's size 10 1/2?

Hmm... "Get ready to climb some walls"... "Every Super Hero need their special powers, and with the active grip of the Spider-Man kid's cayman crocs shoes, your kids will have theirs."

So, if I'm reading this ad correctly, these special shoes will give whoever wears them the wall-climbing powers of Spider-Man, thanks to their "active grip" technology...?

They damn well better, because there's really no excuse to wear anything as hideous as a pair of crocs unless they give you superpowers.


  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Oh but Caleb, they are so comfortable - I even wear them with dress pants and a tie to work :D

  2. True story:

    Yesterday I drive to Toledo to see my partner, who drives a truck for a living (yes, we're both gay - which works out well if you think about it).

    Sitting at the lunch counter of the truck stop restaurant is a very tough-looking, thoroughly tattooed man in a wife-beater, wearing a handlebar moustache and wearing - my hand to God - seafoam green crocs with little pink flowers on them.

    And yet, if I had kissed my boyfriend good-bye after breakfast, *we'd* have gotten bashed...!

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    seafoam green crocs with little pink flowers on them.

    So, are they unisex shoes or not? Because I've seen some that are clearly not very masculine, but I think they get peddled as all unisex.

  4. a very tough-looking, thoroughly tattooed man in a wife-beater, wearing a handlebar moustache and wearing - my hand to God - seafoam green crocs with little pink flowers on them.

    Okay, If they make your overall look that awesomely dissonant, then I guess that's another good reason to wear them.

  5. I definitely had to do a double-take, because when I first looked at the ad, I thought it said what a CROTCH...which puzzled me, as there was nary a crotch to be seen.

    Oh yeah, shoes.
