Sunday, August 10, 2008


likes cotton candy ice cream.


  1. I like their bat-noculars...

  2. Ya know...Batman really knows how to squelch a discussion.

  3. This is my favorite one so far.

  4. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Is that Bizarro-Nightwing, or is he being shot by a Dalek?

  5. Only four more to go!

    Is that Bizarro-Nightwing, or is he being shot by a Dalek?

    Would you believe his costume's on inside out...?

    I tried not coloring anything in, but it made him look too striped, so I colored in his black bits, and then that meant I had to color Batman black, and then they just looked like blobs.

    So I started over and just colored his chest thingy, and didn't color Batman at all.

    I'm not happy with his hair at all either, but I drawing it twice was already pushing me into the working way-too-hard territory for these things.

  6. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Would you believe his costume's on inside out...?

    That's a little too close to the Deving Grayson "They could be lovers!" stuff for me. Shot by a Dalek would be pretty awesome.

  7. The hair in your picture is still better than Mulletwing in Batman: The Animated Series. That kills Nightwing for me every single time.
