Saturday, April 25, 2009

No offense, Aquaman...

...but I really don't think you should be able to bring a trident with you into the United Nations. I mean, I trust you with it, but I'm not sure the other representatives would necessarily feel safe with the big guy from Atlantis waving around his deadly three-pronged spear like that.

And what if other countries asked if they could bring in their weapons, you know? Like, "What do you mean I can't bring in my mourning star? It's a ceremonial mourning star, each of its spikes representing one of the virtues of my country. Come on, you let Aquaman bring in a freaking trident!" I really think we're just asking for trouble here.

(Panel from Super Friends #14, by Sholly Fisch, Scott Shaw and Mike Kazaleh)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Like you're going to tell Aquaman he can't carry his trident? I'm surprised he's even in the UN. It's the first time I've seen it.

    Also, it's the first time I noticed David Seville is the Ambassador of Armenia. (The original version, not the 80's character model.) That just makes the comic even better than it was.
