Saturday, February 20, 2010

Showcase Presents: Doom Patrol Vol. 1 starts collecting My Greatest Adventure

with #80, the first issue to feature The Doom Patrol. The team would remain the cover feature for the last five issues of the series, before it was renamed The Doom Patrol with issue #86 in 1964.

After perusing some of the covers for the earlier issues of My Greatest Adventure, however...

...I'm pretty sure I'd like to see a Showcase Presents collection or three devoted to the pre-DP issues too.


  1. That Last Martian should team up with J'onn J'onzz. Although now that Caleb has reminded the internet that these comics exist, I'm sure Geoff Johns or James Robinson are already on it.

  2. I can't even begin to describe what emotions I feel when I look at the cover of "I Became The Sun Creature!" That's just too freakin' bizarre.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The "I Became The Sun Creature!" issue of MY GREATEST ADVENTURE and an issue of the Gil Kane GREEN LANTERN were my first two comics as a kid. My family doctor gave them to me to read while waiting for an appointment. I never gave them back and their still stuffed in a long box somewhere. Blew my little 6-year old mind.

    (last comment was deleted because it was typo-riffic)
