Monday, February 22, 2010

"Try stamp collecting."

—My father, while helping me move, on account of the fact that about 85% of my possessions seem to be comic books, graphic novels or prose books about comics and graphic novels.


  1. Yeah 'cause giant tomes filled with accumulated minutia are hardly space hogs!

  2. Best. Comment. Ever! Heard something similar from my family when we moved 6 years ago....and it has only gotten worse. I have now built parts of my house around the that I can NEVER move again...

  3. Yeah. I'm not moving again. I have, at this moment, 25 long boxes in the garage (in the process of transfering to the drawer kind...they are awesome!), six short-boxes (magazine size - those Savage Sword of Conan issues have gotta go somewhere!), about a dozen office paper bpxes filled with comics (most are of the "sort and get rid of" variety, or at least that's what I tell my wife), and seven bookshelves of trades...that doesn't count the chester drawer I keep in the closet with my new issues, or the shelf I've taken over in each of my sons' rooms for my kids' comics (one kid gets all the Marvel Adventures books, the other gets Owly, Tiny Titans, Simpsons, Boom, and all the others. My kids are 14 months and 1 month old. I'm starting them early!).

    So. Yeah. I'm not moving again.

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Yeah I get a lot of comments like "You live in a comic museum!", because of all my toys, statues, original artwork, sketches and of course-comics. I'm really going to regret moving.

  5. Yeah I moved every 2-3 years for work so if I dig out my last inventory I can tell you how many pounds of comics I have.

    Multiple 70lb boxes worth.
