Sunday, October 13, 2024

Say, does anyone want any of these old DC Comics promotional materials...?

 As I mentioned a few posts ago, I'll be moving at the end of the month, which means I've been going through the dark, dusty, forgotten corners of my apartment, looking for things that I'll be taking with me and things that can maybe be recycled and thrown away.

I recently found a pile of DC Comics promotional stuff, originally sent to me in big envelopes along with review copies, which I used to get when I was writing for Comic Book ResourcesRobot 6 blog and/or ComicsAlliance (Neither of which, sadly, exist anymore). 

I'm not really a poster guy, so they never went up on my walls, but I didn't feel right just tossing them in the garbage either, so they ended up in the corner of my closet, next to dusty boxes of my mini-comics My Pet Halfling, Mothman Comics and The Ghost in the Bathroom

Now that I have to vacate these premises though, I have to make a decision as to what to do with them. So! If anyone reading this post (and residing in the United States) has any desire for any of the below, please mail me $1 (for postage, although I will readily accept more than a $1 if you want to, like, treat me to a cup of coffee or help subsidize the cost of the DC Vs. Marvel Omnibus). 

Oh, and if you want to help lighten the weight of those boxes of mini-comics, send me three dollars and specify which one you want (To contact me to see if the item in question is still available and for my postal address, my email address is to the right.)

Okay, here's what I've got...

•A poster for Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's 2019 miniseries Batman: Last Knight on Earth, with an image by Capullo that is taken from the cover of the first issue in the series. 

•A "Year of the Villain" poster, apparently advertising the many 2019 DC comics that shared that branding, featuring The Batman Who Laughs, Bane, Lex Luthor and The Cheetah, with new cosmic entity Perpetua (I think that's who that is; that storyline didn't really grip me), also drawn by Capullo.

•A poster announcing Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp's 2019 limited series The Green Lantern, featuring art by Sharp, taken from the cover of the first issue in the series. 

•This admittedly rather cool Wonder Woman-through-the-ages poster, showing how the heroine has visually evolved over the course of her first 75 years. I wouldn't have minded framing this one and hanging it on my wall, had I had the money to get it framed and the wall space to hang it from. Not sure who the artist is, but it looks like the various Wonder Women were all drawn by the same hand in the styles of various artists, rather than using original images by those artists. 

•A "campaign" bumper sticker for the 2015 Prez mini-series by Mark Russell and Ben Caldwell, featuring Caldwell's image of Beth Ross version of the character. (UPDATE: Taken!)

•A Daily Planet front page featuring a story by Lois Lane and an image by John Romita Jr, apparently tied to the events of Brian Michael Bendis' run on the franchise, wherein Superman's secret identity as Clark Kent was made public again. I'm...genuinely not sure if this has been rebooted away yet or not. 

•And, finally, Richard "Dick" Grayson's very own wallet-sized Spyral ID Card, from the brief time in which the character was a secret agent rather than a superhero, circa the 2014-2016 Grayson series. (UPDATE: Spoken for!)

I had a few more posters, but I recycled one before I thought to do this, and the others looked too dusty and time-worn to sell to anyone, even for the low, low price of $1.

Anyway, let me know if any of this interests you. Offer good through the end of the month!

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