Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...The Red Bee.

Hmm. You know, Red Arrow's not the only Red Something-or-Other on the League these days....
You know, that's a good question. I think it's "him" though. I'm not sure if that's gramatically correct, but he identifies as male...

Well, maybe it would work out if the two of you teamed up to take on a villain that only your combined powers and know-how could hope to compete with.
Well I'm glad you asked. I was thinking of maybe someone like...well,
And I suppose Michael is just full of good ideas for stories...
Richard! Look out!
Red Bee! Look out!
Red Bee...?
Well, I guess that's it for today's guest-blogger.
Let's hear it for The Red Bee, ladies and gentlemen.
I would totally buy Red Bee/Red Arrow. Those covers are the bees knees! (See what I did there? I'm so witty.)
I hope DC's paying attention, they can just contact Red Bee through Caleb and we can all have some comics starring someone who's clearly one of the coolest heroes ever.
That RB/RA team up is actually a STUPENDOUS idea.
The Red Bee/Red Arrow covers are my new favorite thing ever. Thank you.
The first RB/RA cover is the funniest thing I've seen in a good while...
You made me laugh and think at the same time kudos
"The bee's knees"..."Bee-lightful!", DC should either launch a new Red Bee series (or at least a Red Bee Chronicles collecting his Golden Age adventures, all, I don't know 14 of 'em) just so they could use the wonderful blurbs a bee-themed hero opens up on the covers.
Thanks for the all the comments guys, and for not pointing out that I mis-colored the Atom's costume.
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