Here's Travis "Warlord" Morgan, waking up after a long, restful sleep with his shape-changing cat-woman friend Shakira. He yawns, stretches and then leisurely goes to look out the window...

...and then, in the very next panel...
JESUS CHRIST A FUCKING GRIFFIN JUST FLEW RIGHT IN THE GODDAM WINDOW!!!!These and 88 other panels, including the one where he straight up chops its head off, can be found in
Warlorld #1 by Mike Grell, Joe Prado and Walden Wong.
I just read this and yeah!
But you can tell the Power Girl preview I want my 6 Warlord pages back.
Grell's Warlord should be in a Showcase collection ASAP
So, as long as a griphon never flies in through Oliver Queen's window, we'll always be able to tell them apart?
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