Sunday, January 23, 2011

Somehow I neglected to mention this cover for Neal Adams' Batman: The Odyssey comic,

despite the fact that it features a guy riding a dinosaur shooting a gun at Batman, who is riding a giant monster bat, when I was discussing DC's previews for their April books last night.

I still haven't read an issue of that series, but, based solely on the cover images, it looks like the craziest Batman story ever. I'm actually kind of hesitant to read it at this point, as I'm afraid it might not live up to the heights of insanity I believe it to reach.


Jacob T. Levy said...

I read the first issue. It was as insane as that cover image... but the cover is insane in a good way. The actual comic was not.

SallyP said...

Oh I don't know. The Odyssey book has been pretty awful, but the art is so pretty, and it is awful in a kind of awesomely terrible sort of way...I've actually been enjoying it. It makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever, and I suppose that if I were actually a huge Bat Fan, I would be horrified. But since I ENJOY seeing Batman look like a fool once in a has a certain charm.