Jeffrey Brown is probably best known for his black and white autobio comics, like Unlikely and Clumsy. This Wednesday, he had a new book out, and it was quite a departure from that work—it's a full-color book about a race of warring robots that can transform into vehicles entitled The Incredible Change-Bots.
Seeing these two works from these two artists arrive on comic shop shelves in the same week raises an interesting question: If Kochalka fought Brown, who would win?
It looks like Kochalka would win.

Yeah, definitely Kochalka.
If you would like to hear more of their artsy-fartsy discussion of the creation of comics, you'll probably want to check out their 2005 collaboration Conversation #2, available from Top Shelf Productions.
If you would like to see more panels of people punching each other in the face, you'll probably want to check in with Bahlactus.
And don't worry about Kochalka and Brown, they ultimately worked everything out just fine:

Holy crap, this is insane! I don't mean the comic, but the fact I ALMOST posted this for Friday Night Fights. And if I didn't feel the need to do a Kirby homage, that's what it would have been.
In other words: You, sir, have great taste.
Whew! You know, I actually considered searching to see if anyone already used this one, but gave up when I realized that would actually be a lot of work.
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