"Aheh-hem. Gentlemen, this organization was created to advocate on behalf of any and all bald men in any aspect of the comics industry—hero, villain, creator, commentator, retailer and even reader, alike. Whether we've lost our hair due to a genetic trait inherited from our ancestors, or if our hair was stolen from us by by some caped clod, we are all here because we are all bald men and, occasionally, bald men need one another's help to reach their goals..."

"That's me, on the cover of 2004's Superman/Batman #6. Fellow member Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness saw fit to dress me up in this...abomination. It is, of course, ridicuslous looking, but I was not in my right mind at the time that I donned it. I think I was supposed to be driven mad by Kryptonite poisoning or...something, and it was clouding my judgement. Okay fine, whatever. I was insane for a few pages, and my outfit reflected it. If that were the end of it, than fine, I'd live it down. BUT! Here I am in Infinite Crisis..."

"Still wearing it! In Supergirl, by Loeb again, and Ian Churchill, I was wearing it still. In my 52, Action and Superman appearances, they allowed me to wear my normal attire, a smart business suit or a lab coat, depending on whether I was in my penthous office or my lab. But two years after Infinite Crisis, Dwayne McDuffie takes over JLoA, to tell a story in which I am the main villain. What am I wearing in that? Let's see..."

"It's aesthetically unappealing—although I do like the color scheme—in addition to being extremely impractical. Look at that image from JLoA #13...how am I supposed to walk with boots that big? I can understand if some editors and creators at DC want to evoke nostalgia for my glorious past as a villain in the eighties, but, that suit looked like this..."

"How exactly did they pervert that costume, ridiculous as it is, into the gigantic version I've been forced to wear for the last few years? Why can't I just stick to a suit, or lab coat, or the 'action outfit' they gave me in the later seasons of the Justice League cartoon? And if I must wear a 'supervillain costume,' why can't I at least wear this?"

"Or why not this?"

Now *this* is why I read this blog! Screw those silly continuity errors! Who cares about the strange adulation you continue to render unto those mediocre Morrison JLA stories!
I wish I had read this at work - it would've cheered me up immensely!! Great job as always, and I’m sure you get more than 8 readers – why, I even visit more than once so that has to count. Psst – *leans in* - how does one go about joining your BMOFTCMM anyway. I’d be interested… very interested *wink, wink* (no, I’m not coming on to you). XD
That was hilarious! I doff my cap. (To reveal hair.)
Bravo, C. I love these strips.
Absolutely fantastic.
"Well, I'll write a blog post about it..."
Hahaha very very awesome.
That was pretty danged funny.
oh my god
Dude, screw "traditional" blogging. This was awesome.
OMG, this is SO great!!! Caleb, your regular blogging is terrific, but this stuff...*pure* gold!!
Sorry I have too much hair on my head to be of more assistance to the cause, but look, that's at least nine of us who've dropped by to read!
(Well, unless those anonymous comments are from Calebs of alternate dimensions...)
Keep up the great work!
Oh sure, keep the women out. You let in BLOGGERS for Chrissakes!
Seriously, I don't know why this isn't an angoing at DC.
It's a hell of a lot better than Superman Confidential, that's fer sher.
I don't even read comics and I love your strips! Pure genius.
Look, this is at least 12 people who read you!
Brilliant simply brilliant
I forgot Red Tornado got his arm ripped off when he was human. Maybe it's not so weird that he cries all the time.
I mean, getting an arm brutally ripped off would be horibly traumatic, but it would really suck if you were so forgettable that people couldn't even remember seeing it.
Wow, thanks for all the comments guys!
Now *this* is why I read this blog! Screw those silly continuity errors! Who cares about the strange adulation you continue to render unto those mediocre Morrison JLA stories!
Well, I try to update daily, and there are seven days a week, and it takes a long time to produce even background-less, poorly rendered pictures and write lame-ass jokes...
how does one go about joining your BMOFTCMM anyway. I’d be interested…
Well, if you're bald and involved in some aspect of comics, even as a reader, you're qualified. I'll ask at the next meeting...
I doff my cap. (To reveal hair.)
Aaa! Keep your hat on Chance; nobody wants to see all that hair!
Oh sure, keep the women out. You let in BLOGGERS for Chrissakes!
Hey, that was all Lex! And you know him, he's evil.
Give me a few more years, and I'll probably be eligible for membership. Well done, sir.
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