Well it's been almost two weeks now, and I've so far managed not to cross-post anything both here and at my new home away from home, Blog@Newsarama.com, but today I wanted to post a heads-up here about review there, as it may be of special interest to my fellow Columbusites.
Local artist, comics creator and musician/performer Phonzie Davis had a new comic book hit the new comic rack this past Wednesday. It's a real, live, full-size, staples-and-everything comic book, it's called Left-Handed Sophie and it's pretty damn good. You can read me discussing it in greater detail over at Blog@ by clicking here.
The other reason I'm kinda sorta cross-posting this is because I can't figure out how to post large images at Blog@ on account of my not knowing how to do anything on a computer besides type (and, on occasion, beat the hell out of Kanjar Ro's space pirates).
So, here's the title character battling a bully in the school cafeteria:

And here's a page from later in the book, demonstrating how information-dense some of the book is:

If it looks or sounds like something that might be up your alley, word on the street (i.e. the Internet) is that Davis will be signing books at The Laughing Ogre at 4 p.m. this coming Wednesday (December 17).
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