No matter how many Pulitzers or Hugos or LA Times Book Prize nominations comics earns, no matter how many billions of dollars or supporting actor Oscars movies based on comics earn, no matter how many Hollywood and pop prose writers sign up to write late and/or terrible superhero comics, no matter how many Levis commericals or Colbert Report interviews comics artists do, the medium still can't be said to have officially "made it" and have been embraced my mainstream American culture.
No, we won't truly have made it until a comics creator makes it onto Dancing With The Stars.
And it would be good for Dancing too! As much as I dig the show, I can't help but think it would be infinitely better if it had one fewer reality TV show alum and a Stan Lee or Mark Millar or Joe Quesada or Grant Morrison or Jim Lee or Paul Pope or Lynda Barry or James Kochalka or Harvey Pekar or Kyle Baker or Evan Dorkin or Chynna Clugston or Geoff Johns or Erik Larsen or Rob Liefeld or Keith Giffen on it instead.
Aw well, there's always season nine...
Hm. Then maybe I might actually have some sort of interest in watching. But so far...not so much.
Just as long as it's not John Cassaday. That guy doesn't need any more distractions from finishing the last issue of Planetary.
If I sound bitter, it's because I am.
Warren Ellis + Dancing With the Stars = GOLD!
My mental eraser stalled. How's this?
So many comic creators are grossly overweight. Do we really want to see them shaking it on TV?
Hey, John Cassaday is gorgeous! He'd be perfect. As long as he keeps drawing of course.
Jeffrey Brown for DWTS. That is all.
Next up, Peter David appears on American Idol and gets votefortheworst.com shut down.
I would personally want to see Neil Gaiman on a tv show. He's handsomer than Ellis, and Morrison tends to come across as a fruit loop in interviews.
I happen to know for a fact, having witnessed it on multiple occasions, that David Mack can cut a rug. That's what the kids call it nowadays, right? He'd be great on it, too, since he only actually does like 4 comics a year anymore.
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