In addition to writing great comics, short stories, novels, picture books and blog posts...
...Neil Gaiman also writes pretty great blurbs.
That's from the back cover of That Is All, the recently-released new prose book by John Hodgman, who pictured wearing a mustache and ascot, below Gaiman's blurb.
I just finished reading "That Is All". Fantastic, if a little intense (so many smart, clever and funny things per page!). If I didn't live hundreds if not thousands of miles away, I would lend you my copy. Good stuff.
J. Caleb Mozzocco is a freelance writer who lives and works in Ohio.
Creators and publishers who would like their books considered for review here (and/or anywhere else he contributes) may feel free to contact him at
Editors at respectable publications who would like Caleb to write for them are also welcome to contact him and offer him work. He loves money.
Neil Gaiman's blurb is part of the reason I discovered Gene Wolfe who then became like, my no-joke favorite author.
I just finished reading "That Is All". Fantastic, if a little intense (so many smart, clever and funny things per page!). If I didn't live hundreds if not thousands of miles away, I would lend you my copy. Good stuff.
I keep a general policy of killing anyone who has appeared in an ad for Apple products if I meet them.
Even hand models from their teacher's catalogs in the 80s.
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