I just noticed something from a five-year-old comic
Last night I re-read the first five volumes of Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim in preparation for the release of the sixth and final volume today, and just noticed something for the first time. In 2005's Vol. 2, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, there's a scene where Scott and Ramona walk through a playground (above), and the little ride-y spring things there bear the faces of title characters from some of O'Malley's peers' comics.
and Kean Soo's character Jellaby, who appeared online and in Flight anthologies before appearing in 2008's Jellaby from Hyperion.
Today a new trailer for the Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World video game apparently made it online, in connection with Comic-Con no doubt, and the playground Ramona and Scott are walking through in the panel at the top of the post shows up in the game, complete with Salamander and Jellaby ride-y spring things.
They're at the forty-second second mark or so: Surreal.
J. Caleb Mozzocco is a freelance writer who lives and works in Ohio.
Creators and publishers who would like their books considered for review here (and/or anywhere else he contributes) may feel free to contact him at jcalebmozzocco@gmail.com.
Editors at respectable publications who would like Caleb to write for them are also welcome to contact him and offer him work. He loves money.
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