So have you heard of Paste magazine's "Obamicon Me" thing yet? (I know Mike Sterling has).
I suppose it's pretty self-explanatory but, if not, it allows you to upload images and turn them into versiosn of Sheperd Fairey's "Hope" poster. As long as you don't have to draw your own source material, it's very easy. I kinda messed mine up, as I did it in black and white, so I guess the program didn't have enough colors to work with.
This taught me something very important though: There are wa-a-a-a-y too few images of the Red Bee on the Internet. Google Images pretty much just turns up two different Hit Comics covers and a bunch of my crappy drawings of the Bee. I had to draw my own damn headshot because I couldn't find any Red Bee headshots!
DC Comics, this just goes to show that you really oughta publish a Red Bee Chronicles trade soon (But I'll settle for the complete All-Star Squadron and Young All-Stars in Showcase Presents collections...the Bee shows up in there). Please, won't you think of the Red Bee image reference-starved users of the Interent?
I own every single issue of All-Star Squadron, but I'd buy a Showcase Presents volume (heck, I'd buy all three) without hesitation.
Roy Thomas at his craziest.
Please DC, please!! Think of the children. And me. And Caleb too I guess. But me.
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