"His monstrous steed snatched me up in its jaws, its teeth, each as long and sharp as my sword, squeezed about my middle so hard I was afraid I'd be squeezed in two. Gallons of its saliva, hot like boiling water, splashed against my skin, and I thought I'd drown in the scent of its foul breath. That's when I saw him astride its back...a giant, man-like monster made of stitched together corpses. In his left hand he held a sword, with which he had just lopped the head off of my own steed, drawing an arc of viscous red gore that hit the ground with a wet slap.
"Well, good night kids. Sweet dreams."
(Images from Final Crisis #7
written by Grant Morrison, penciled by Doug Mahnke and inked by every artists in the 10019 zip code)
Now that was hilarious.
And also more clear storytelling than anything we saw in FC.
And yet, she'd STILL be a better babysitter than Hal Jordan.
Whatever happened to that guy who wrote We3?
Don't forget the part where the teller of this story was evil
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