Sunday, January 04, 2009


Don't be fooled! Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel's "Batman R.I.P." is not actually as good as superhero comics get. I believe if you check IGN's pants you'll find that they are, in fact, on fire.


JohnF said...

Yeah, but just imagine if that art had actually been, you know, good.
Heck, even bland competence (Don Kramer, for example) would have been immeasurably better than the horror that was Tony "not the C-3PO guy" Daniel.

Tony Z™ said...

"Yeah, but just imagine if that art had actually been, you know, good."

I don't know. Better art might have helped. Slightly. Just imagine if the writing had actually been, you know, good.

E. Peterman said...

The art totally sucked. The story was mediocre. Together? Meh.

Anonymous said...


True that.

MaGnUs said...

It's not as bad as some say, but it's definitely not as good they tried to hype it...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Its like New Years Eve...its never as good as the hype behind it and I am left getting sick after the music has died down. Here's hoping the next chapter is a total train wreck so we can all say "I told you so" when the universe rights itself and Bruce puts the long underwear on again. But oy veh its gonna be painfull just getting there.

MaGnUs said...

Nah, as long as the writers penning it don't do as many drugs as Morrison, "Battle For The Cowl" might be fun.