Screwing around in my sketchbook last night, I was trying to figure out how Bryan Lee O'Malley draws people and, um, somehow the last few pages ended up looking like this. That's Aquaman and Martian Manhunter reenacting the cover of
Scott Pilgrim Vol. 4
Superman stealing a pose from Wallace Wells (and his hair too).

Wonder Woman modeled on three different characters: Ramona from the cover of
Vol. 5, then Kim Pine and Knives Chau from the beach scene at the beginning of
Vol. 4. I'd show you my attempts at making a Batman based on Matthew Patel, but there is some art so bad even
I'm too ashamed to share it.
Now I want a O'Malley written & drawn Justice League. Or even better, Teen Titans...
Wow...I hadn't...this...woah. O'Malley could TOTALLY draw an awesome capes series & I never realized it. Good slipstream work here, Caleb; your mimicry & brainstorming are a "you got your chocolate/peanutbutter in my peanutbutter/chocolate" situation.
This is some of your best work. You altered your style to make it a bit more chunky, and the colors really pop. Good work!
I hope you'll send the first sketch to the Aquaman Shrine!
Huh... before you mentioned the models, I would've sworn your Wonder Woman was based on Stacey Pilgrim.
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