Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I know what I want from my superhero comics

is that they closely resemble cable television dramas.


Michael Hoskin said...

Of course, because you can do so much more with cable television standards and budgets! Comics is a pretty poor medium by comparison. No standards? Infinite canvas? Being able to do anything is the death of creativity.

Nicholas Ahlhelm said...

I love the name of that post at Comic Alliance. I'm surprised no one has referred to Bendis as "Benis" before this.

Will said...

To be fair, from the quote, Bendis is clearly talking about trying to provoke a particular emotional state in readers, one of excited, fast-paced tension. There's nothing in that quote about using specific television techniques or anything.

Bella's owner said...

Well sure, but who wants to be fair to Brian Michael Bendis?

No, I know I took that completely out of context, and I do understand he was talking about a particular aspect of the TV experience. It just struck me as funny that he couched discussion of his run in a comparison to a TV show, particularly given the move/TV show feel of his writing.