You'll have to read them for yourself to decide.
The thing that jumped out at me in this month's batch as the most interesting is that before Brian Michael Bendis will finally step down as the writer of two ongoing Avengers titles, he will first add a third (Actually, counting the ".1" issue of Avengers schedule for March, there will be four new Avengers comics written by Bendis on sale).
That will be Avengers Assemble, which appears to star the Marvel Universe equivalents of the Avengers in the upcoming movie, and it will feature art by Mark Bagley, who previously teamed with Bendis during his Mighty Avengers run.
To help promote the book, Marvel will be offering "Retailer Variants", which, judging by the blank spaces on a couple of the previews, look like bad riffs on IDW's idea of having store-owners allow Godzilla to step on their store on the cover of Godzilla #1, as long as they order enough copies.
So I guess if you order enough copies you can pretend you have the sort of terrible comic shop that is small, cramped and stocks exclusively Marvel comics and overpriced statuettes?

Okay, let's see what we got...

Marjorie Liu (W) • Mike Perkins (A)
Cover By Dustin Weaver
Amazing Spider-Man 50Th Anniversary Variant By Tba
• New Creative Team! Best-Selling Author Marjorie Liu And Mike Perkins (The Stand).
• The X-Men Return To New York City, But It’s Not A Social Call.
• Don’t Miss The First Chapter Of What Will Be The Most Controversial Story Of 2012!
32 Pgs./Rated T+ …$3.99
…in which it’s revealed that Wolverine slept with Northstar in the past…?
Why not? He's slept with just about everyone else in the Marvel Universe...

Brian Michael Bendis & Jason Aaron (W)
• Frank Cho (A/C)
• The Return Of The Scarlet Witch! What Does This Mean For The Mutant Messiah Hope?
• Three Of The Hottest Names In Comics Kick Off The Biggest Event In Marvel History!
• And Did We Mention Frank Cho On Art?!
40 Pgs./One-Shot/Rated T+ …$3.99
*Issue Will Be Polybagged
Oh so that’s Hope (as Kate said in the comments the other day). That makes sense then, to have the deus ex machina that reduced the mutant population of the Marvel Universe down to less than 200 X-Men and their villains (and put one of Joe Quesada's genies back in one of his bottles) and the deus ex machina that can restore the mutant population of the Marvel Universe and let that genie of Quesada's out of the bottle, on the cover together.
I guess I just didn’t realize that the grown-up Hope had such a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible costume.
I like the background of Cho's cover, if not the overall structure and rendering of the characters in the foreground.
Wait, did they say "pollybagged"...?

And speaking of Cable—I assume that's him, since this is the cover of that Cable vs. The Avengers miniseries—I guess his character design isn't hopelessly ugly after all. To make it look cool, all you have to do is simply redesign him into Colossus, I guess.

Brian Michael Bendis (W)
• Mike Deodato (A/C)
• The Shocking Conclusion To The Dark Avengers Saga!
• Will One Of The Dark Avengers Become A New Avenger?!
• …And Will There Be A Shocking Fatality In The Avengers Battle Of The Year?!!
32 Pgs./Rated T …$3.99
Well there had better be a shocking fatality, if you include a question like that in the solicitation. If someone reads New Avengers #23 in March and finds there isn't a shocking fatality—that is, if the answer is "No, of course not"—then they're probably going to be sort of disappointed.
This is a really rather nice cover by Deodato (I actually thought it was by Neal Adams until I saw the signature), which provides a good example of the basic appeal of Hulk's son. The Hulk + A Sword is a pretty good formula.

That Daredevil-cover very awesome. It`s poetic and scary at the same time. Like most of Francavillas art. Also, I have never before seen Mole man to be referred to Devil.
What was Andrews doing? Slacking off. I mean, I wouldn`t want to say so...but he did.
Also, ultimate Scorpion looks both dull and interesting at the same time, if you ask me. Yes, that is possible.
That Daredevil cover is simply...exquisite.
My hometown sources tell me Andrews is busy making real scratch in the film industry. Since almost every medium pays better than comics, I guess we know where his heart is.
What was Andrews doing? Slacking off.
Well, I imagine some time and hard work must be put into those images, and I know he can work in many different styles. But those are especially terrible for an artist of his caliber, who CAN do soooooooo much better.
Also, ultimate Scorpion looks both dull and interesting at the same time, if you ask me. Yes, that is possible.
Oh THAT'S the Ultimate Scorpion...? I just assumed it was a random, no-name bad guy/thug, since Bendis already introduced an Ultimate Scorpion a long time ago. Weird.
That DD cover is indeed gorgeous. But Akilles, it's by Rivera, not Francavilla.
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