Tom Spurgeon’s last Five For Friday feature put out the call for “Five Characters From Comics That Should Have a Mixed Drink Named After Them,” stipulating that contributors must also come up with a recipe for one of them.
Check out the inspired, hilarious and occasionally tasty sounding results here.
I’m giving this particular link its own post just because it’s a topic of some interest to me—I tried to round-up all the pre-existing mixed drinks named for superheroes before—and this will make Spurgeon’s FFF results easier to find.
You might want to grab a cocktail napkin and scribble out the recipes for a Night Thrasher, Fool Killer, Crimson Dynamo and Mindless One for your next minor Marvel character-themed party.
Wow! Some of these actually sound pretty good! And some of them, I wouldn't touch with a twelve and a half foot pole.
Did Tony ever throw up in his helmet?
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