Specifically, his gloves:

Oh yeah, they remind me of this:

A week or two ago I would have said that was ridiculous, as there's no way Batman has the time to waste playing video games.
But now that I've seen the animated trailer/ad for Batman: The Brave and The Bold: The Video Game, I know that Batman is, in Bat-Mite's assessment, as good at video games as he is at crime fighting. ("I make it a point to prepare for all possible contingencies," Batman says to Bat-Mite, explaining his video game prowess).
What's with the woman's o-face? Is THAT what's going on under that cowl?
Batman's rocking two power gloves!
'like your blog you have here ;)
I've been reading some posts this morning, at work on my spare time!
I generally take the small alterations of Batman's costume in stride. I don't mind a little piping, because it will go away soon enough when they do the next "tweak." I agree, it is stupid, but the whole thing is in flux. This costume though, everytime we see more of it, it looks dumber. I thought that DC was learning from Morrison, figuring out that we want our heroes iconic, not EXXTREME?
I thought it was the scarecrow
Man, that "Penguin" sure is eye-liney. Echh.
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