Would you like to see more of Zook and Cryll, in other DC Comics? I can't think of a better story to start with than "Without You, I'm Nothing," which was written by Evan Dorkin and drawn by Steven Weissman and appeared in 2001's hardcover anthology Bizarro Comics.

The sidekicks who don't get picked up retire to a bar to complain about their lot in life. After kicking things around for a while, Cryll suggests they do what other sidekicks before them have done:

I basically just wanted to share Weissman's takes on a lot of these weird characters (You can see his Tawky Tawny in that first panel; like Batman and The Scarecrow, he's a character I love seeing different artists draw for some reason). The story is a ton of fun, in large part because of all the rich little details Weissman works into each panel. For example, just in the four above, look at his Ace The Bat-Hound—he never talks, but is in almost every panel of the story and his silent mimicry of the talking characters' actions never fails to make me smile a bit.
Also, I love the panel where Evil Star is beating them up, and one of his little minions, The Starlings, is wearing Doiby Dickles' hat. Talk about kicking a guy when he's down...
1 comment:
In the group shot, I spotted Ace the Bat Hound, Jero and Halk from Chris K-99's series, Doiby Dickles with the umbrella (I think), Qwisp and I gotta see it again. This comment box sucks.
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