Apparently Batwoman, which has already been delayed more times than the opening of Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark, has since been delayed again, and thus won't be coming out in April after all.
This delay seems particularly strange, since artist and co-writer J.H. Williams III assures fans that the creative team is several issues into the series already (they certainly seem farther along than Grant Morrison and company were when DC published Batman Inc #1, and farther along than David Finch was when DC published Batman: The Dark Knight #1), but that the new deal "was was not our choice, and as to why, I'm not at liberty to really discuss."
And, unfortunate.
Remember, this Batwoman was created and first appeared in 2006, and plans for an ongoing monthly starring the character were announced at that time. She'll therefore be right around five years old when Batwoman #1 ships, if it does ship within the next few months.
Whatever the reason for the latest delay is, the book has been in some form of comic book development hell for almost five years now, and it therefore would seem that either the Batwoman book is cursed, or DC is reluctant to publish it (They did give her the first 22-pages of Detective Comics for a while, as well as a #0 issue). When one stops to consider what is unique about the character vs. all of the other super-characters headlining DC comics, the obvious answer is that she's gay. That may not (likely doesn't, hopefully doesn't) have anything at all to do with all the delays, but that doesn't mean that DC doesn't have to worry about the perception that they don't want to or are extremely nervous to publish a comic featuring a gay character.
And jeez, six-pages of a 32-page comic book is an awful lot of real-estate to give over to an ad that's not even relevant anymore.

That's pretty unusual, isn't it?

The tone of the ad seems almost defensive to me, as the Pak/Van Lente Hercules stories have been fun and humorous, while still delivering relatively straightforward supehero adventure and melodrama, and this not only downplays that element, but seems to be suggesting the latest series will be the opposite of that.
Yet it's still by Pak and Van Lente, so it will certainly have a great deal of relation to what came before, and the fact that it's called Herc instead of Hercules also suggests a lighter tone—lighter, certainly, than the blood and rain and angry face and urban environment suggest. Like, if they started publishing a book called Spidey or Wolvie or Subby or Aunt Petunia's Favorite Nephew, I would assume it to be a lot more light-hearted than a book called Spider-Man or Wolverine or The Sub-Mariner or The Thing.
That's the nature of nicknames, right?
Oh well. I bailed after the Hercules' funeral issues when his adventures went from the $2.99/22 price point to the $3.99/22, so I'm waaaaaaay behind, and won't catch up with this particular chapter for a few years.

That probably won't be the way Ultimate Spider-Man dies in the "Death of [Ultimate] Spider-Man" story, will it? Shot do death by Ultimate Punisher? Because if so, that's a rather spoilery ad for the storyline.
I think that cover is just an homage to the original cover for the Spider-Man issue where Punisher debuted...
Oh yeah, I recognized the poses, I was referring to the text portion of the ad...
Looks like Ult-Punisher has Robocops's feet
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