Cartoonist Keith Knight, responsible for the brilliant strip The K Chronicles available at Salon.com and elsewhere, was in Columbus a few weeks back to give a talk at the Cartoon Research Library at Ohio State University, the venerable, often overlooked institution that is but one of the many reasons that Columbus, Ohio is a surprisingly cool comic book town. Knight recounts his trip in this installment of his strip (You may have to watch a brief ad before you get to the strip, because that's the way Salon rolls).
I'm sad to report that Knight's observations about Columbus are 100% accurate. Shouting "O-H!" is all you need to do to illicit a repsponse from just about any random Columbus crowd. Not sure about Knight's spelling of the response as "Hi-Oh!!" though. The response is "I-O!" (We're spelling the name of the state, naturally). I assume Knight spelled it as he did because that's the way that crowd prounced the "I" in their call back, but who knows.
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