The most frustrating similarity? Ireland tended to over-label the components of his cartoons. And by "over-label," I simply mean "label." Because so often, Ireland's ideas are so perefectly crystallized in the drawings themselves that the labeling becomes completely superfluos.
Now, one of the many rewarding aspects of a book like Lucy Shelton Caswell's Billy Ireland, whcih collects so many cartoons from a single newspaper cartoonist in one place, is that by seeing such a large swathe of their work, one gets to see the issues they were most concerned with and become familiar with the techniques they used.
One strategy that Ireland seemed to employ quite often was using the shapes from the map as components in his drawings, using, say, the shape of the United States as the body for an animal, thus visually telegraphing that the animal is a symbol for the U.S. (and thus making labels or good old tried and true Uncle Sam unnecessarry).
Here are a half-dozen or so examples, all culled from Caswell's book.

The words "the world" seem pretty unnecessary on the baby bird, since it's head is shaped like the world. Similarly, the "U.S." tag on the eagle seems a bit much. You can't get much more obvious in terms of "This is America!" symbolism than an eagle dressed like Uncle Sam.
Of course, this likely has more to do with the way cartooning was done in Ireland's day than any sort of weakness on his part. I mean, the words "Some job!" aren't necessarry across the top, but all of his cartoons have similar over-telgraphing, explaining the joke to readers, in case the picture itself doesn't do the job.
But looking at the picture, it's hard to see how it wouldn't. The size of the baby bird, it's huge gaping mouth, all those other babies, the tiny eagle, the look on his face—it's pretty clear the bird labeled U.S. is comically overwhelmed in its task of feeding the world, right?
Note the way Ireland tags the eagle with "U.S." It doesn't have the letters written on its body, or a button, or a T shirt, as is more cocmmon these days, but has a tag hanging off it. He does this a lot when labelling characters; sometimes they just grow off the character like that, and some time they dangle by a string, as if they were price tags.

Again, I don't think it was necessarry to mark it "USA," but hell, it was 1917; maybe most Columbus Dispatch readers hadn't taken basic geography in school. I don't know.

Finally, here's Ireland using the shape idea on a more local level...

It's probably not apparent to any of you not from Ohio, but the background to the right? That's taken from the seal of Ohio. Those hills are in Chillicothe, where Ireland was born. The area is currently a state park.
I just wanted to thank you for doing these Billy Ireland posts. As a Chillicothe native and frequent visitor of Coulumbus, I really should have known about him, but I didn't. I'll have to check out more of his work.
Do you happen to know where he's buried? I remember seeing an "Ireland" marker in Grandview Cemetery in Chillicothe.
There's nothing more beautiful than driving down 23 or 104 and seeing the flat wasteland of central Ohio give way to the lush hills of Chillicothe.
Of course, once you get there, it smells pretty bad, thanks to the paper plant.
Do you happen to know where he's buried?
No, I'm afraid I don't. I would imagine it's in Chillicothe, but I don't know for sure, or whereabouts in Chillicothe.
Good article. Very pleased to be informed about Billy Ireland, being from both Ireland and Ohio. But your comment that political cartooning was "stll new-ish." New-ish?
In Martin Luther's day political cartoons were being printed with woodcuts on the new-ish presses. The island of England was awash in political cartoons from the early 18th century right through Punch some two hundred years later.
Benny Franklin was publishing them in Philly. Lincoln was reading them betwixt bouts with his generals, etc. etc. Next time that I visit "home" in Ohio, I may look up this museum. Thanks.
Dom Giovanni
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