With Amazons Attack and One More Day, it seems standard policy at DC and Marvel to completely and utterly put the characters in a hole before handing them off to the people that should have been writing them in the first place.
Somebody should encourage the BND boycotters to buy Avengers:The Initiative to show we want Dan Slott, we just specifically don't want the quesadilla retcon.
So, where exactly did Peter's timeline get kicked back to? Has Gwen been killed yet?
It sucks that they retconned out the marriage, but if they're retconning Ditko stuff... man... how could this get more wrong? This amkes it look like they've knocked a fair bit of Romite Sr stuff out of continuity...
he worst thing about this entry is that presumably you bought a copy of the issue. for shame.
I did. And even worse, mine's no longer mint, so I hope this thing's never worth any money.
Somebody should encourage the BND boycotters to buy Avengers:The Initiative to show we want Dan Slott, we just specifically don't want the quesadilla retcon.
I was reeeeaalllly looking forward to almost-weekly Spider-Man comics from the likes of Slott. I'm not boycotting or anything, but it's kind of a shame they're starting out something exciting like BND by irritating so much of their fanbase.
So, where exactly did Peter's timeline get kicked back to? Has Gwen been killed yet?
I'm totally lost, but Gwen's still dead. I guess Quesada wanted to bring her back as part of this, but was prevailed upon to leave her dead (According to his CBR "exclusive" interviews). Some of my "Best Shots" peers should be trying to make sense of what's gone from the timeline at Newsarama.com in the near future, I think.
So Peter can cope with being fairly responsible for his nemesis throwing Peter's one true love off of a bridge, and must even be kinda okay with his webline being what snapped her neck, but he sold his soul because a supervillian found out where his aunt was and had her shot?
Captain America better fix this when he comes back.
So, could somebody spoil me here? Did Peter call in that favor Loki owes him yet? Did he ask Doctor Strange anything about dealing with Mephisto? Did he pay any attention to the scan of Mephisto telling him "What you're doing is very, very evil."?
How old is Aunt May that Peter isn't able to cope with the idea of letting her go?! Its times like this that I wonder how well Batman would take losing Alfred and realize that it would be better than Spider-man losing Aunt May.
I think Aunt May would whack Peter over the head (with the skillet she uses to make wheatcakes) if she ever found out what he did to save her. I doubt she'd be happy that he gave up his marriage and her chance to go meet Uncle Ben in the hereafter for the opportunity for her to suffer through a few dozen more heart attacks. At his rate, when the apocalypse comes, the only things that will survive are cockroaches and Aunt May.
As a timeline geek tho, I always feel the need to ask the writers a billion and ten questions. :\
Like... MJ and Peter are still who they are... if they met each other, they'd eventually fall in love again... unless the Devil changed them or something in which case it's hardly taking away the marriage, as much as "taking away your personalities".
So if he never met MJ, Peter would.. still be a single lonely loser at 20- whatever his age is now? o_O;;
Nice job, Caleb--always fun to see your graphic alter ego, and as a distant (non-reading) Spiderman fan, I was curious about what had transpired. Ack. My condolences to Spidey fans...
And Andrew, SSSHHH, or Didio will hear you and make it happen!
According to Joe Quesada's interview with Comic Book Resources, the last 20ish years of stories all happened, the only difference being that MJ and Peter never got married (they were just in a relationship).
Based on that, he's probably around 28, and is apparently a vaguely unemployed guy who lives with his wheatcake-making aunt.
J. Caleb Mozzocco is a freelance writer who lives and works in Ohio.
Creators and publishers who would like their books considered for review here (and/or anywhere else he contributes) may feel free to contact him at jcalebmozzocco@gmail.com.
Editors at respectable publications who would like Caleb to write for them are also welcome to contact him and offer him work. He loves money.
Most of the picture links seem broken, Caleb...
they worked for me.
anyhow, the worst thing about this entry is that presumably you bought a copy of the issue. for shame.
I especially liked the little cartoony 'Really! Really!' Caleb.
...and I suppose it would be gloating to mention that I just never got into Spidey in the first place? Always ahead of the curve.
OK, they're working now...I blame my computer.
Hilarious and accurate, Caleb.
With Amazons Attack and One More Day, it seems standard policy at DC and Marvel to completely and utterly put the characters in a hole before handing them off to the people that should have been writing them in the first place.
Somebody should encourage the BND boycotters to buy Avengers:The Initiative to show we want Dan Slott, we just specifically don't want the quesadilla retcon.
So, where exactly did Peter's timeline get kicked back to? Has Gwen been killed yet?
It sucks that they retconned out the marriage, but if they're retconning Ditko stuff... man... how could this get more wrong? This amkes it look like they've knocked a fair bit of Romite Sr stuff out of continuity...
I always thought the retcon would mean that Peter never met MJ. My mistake. So they have met but she's pissed off with him. Okay, gotcha.
he worst thing about this entry is that presumably you bought a copy of the issue. for shame.
I did. And even worse, mine's no longer mint, so I hope this thing's never worth any money.
Somebody should encourage the BND boycotters to buy Avengers:The Initiative to show we want Dan Slott, we just specifically don't want the quesadilla retcon.
I was reeeeaalllly looking forward to almost-weekly Spider-Man comics from the likes of Slott. I'm not boycotting or anything, but it's kind of a shame they're starting out something exciting like BND by irritating so much of their fanbase.
So, where exactly did Peter's timeline get kicked back to? Has Gwen been killed yet?
I'm totally lost, but Gwen's still dead. I guess Quesada wanted to bring her back as part of this, but was prevailed upon to leave her dead (According to his CBR "exclusive" interviews). Some of my "Best Shots" peers should be trying to make sense of what's gone from the timeline at Newsarama.com in the near future, I think.
I'm totally lost, but Gwen's still dead.
So Peter can cope with being fairly responsible for his nemesis throwing Peter's one true love off of a bridge, and must even be kinda okay with his webline being what snapped her neck, but he sold his soul because a supervillian found out where his aunt was and had her shot?
Captain America better fix this when he comes back.
So, could somebody spoil me here? Did Peter call in that favor Loki owes him yet? Did he ask Doctor Strange anything about dealing with Mephisto? Did he pay any attention to the scan of Mephisto telling him "What you're doing is very, very evil."?
How old is Aunt May that Peter isn't able to cope with the idea of letting her go?! Its times like this that I wonder how well Batman would take losing Alfred and realize that it would be better than Spider-man losing Aunt May.
I think Aunt May would whack Peter over the head (with the skillet she uses to make wheatcakes) if she ever found out what he did to save her. I doubt she'd be happy that he gave up his marriage and her chance to go meet Uncle Ben in the hereafter for the opportunity for her to suffer through a few dozen more heart attacks. At his rate, when the apocalypse comes, the only things that will survive are cockroaches and Aunt May.
I <3 your review :D
And your art :)
As a timeline geek tho, I always feel the need to ask the writers a billion and ten questions. :\
Like... MJ and Peter are still who they are... if they met each other, they'd eventually fall in love again... unless the Devil changed them or something in which case it's hardly taking away the marriage, as much as "taking away your personalities".
So if he never met MJ, Peter would.. still be a single lonely loser at 20- whatever his age is now? o_O;;
Srsly... >:|
Nice job, Caleb--always fun to see your graphic alter ego, and as a distant (non-reading) Spiderman fan, I was curious about what had transpired. Ack. My condolences to Spidey fans...
And Andrew, SSSHHH, or Didio will hear you and make it happen!
According to Joe Quesada's interview with Comic Book Resources, the last 20ish years of stories all happened, the only difference being that MJ and Peter never got married (they were just in a relationship).
Based on that, he's probably around 28, and is apparently a vaguely unemployed guy who lives with his wheatcake-making aunt.
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